Create a Masterpiece with NOT Cosmopolitan and Garnish

Move aside, Picasso, we are readying our own masterpiece. It may NOT be exhibited in art galleries, but it’ll find its way into phone galleries. No, we do NOT need painting prowess. Just our non alcoholic craft seltzers and good garnishing skills!
Garnishes are finishing touches to drinks that can really up an experience. NOT an afterthought, a good garnish can brighten the serving, complement the taste and tune up a flavour. It’s the reason why so many bring out their inner paparazzi and go clicking before imbibing the drink.
Our NOT Cosmopolitan or NOT too sweet seltzer is quite photogenic. And with a garnish turns into a masterpiece if you will. Grab a pretty glass, ice, a chilled bottle of NOT Cosmopolitan and garnish. Do NOT forget to have a good time while you’re at it.
Mint Lush
NOT too extravagant, the herb adds a whole new dimension to the visual and the taste. The green invites the eyes, while its freshness adds more richness to NOT Cosmopolitan’s flavour profile. A pro tip: slap the leaves to wake up the flavour before placing it on the drink.
Burnt Orange Peel
This ones a real crowd pleaser. We recommend garnishing your parties with this one. The citrus twist of burnt orange peels amps up the sweet and fresh notes of orange in the NOT Cosmopolitan. Broil a few orange peels till lightly browned before your guests arrive.
If you prefer a slightly tart NOT Cosmopolitan, drop a few cranberries in. The non alcoholic seltzer swirls the tartness of cranberry and the garnish only amplifies that flavour. Switch camera mode to burst, and snap as you release the fruit from a few inches above. The splash will fetch you praise and likes!
You are the artist. If you feel a different garnish will perfectly pair with NOT Cosmopolitan craft seltzer we say, go for it. Do ping us to let us know. We want praise for our skills too!